The VIM® family is:
1. only accepting 150 mentees/students total. period.
2. by invitation only (yes, we reject people).

Unlock Your Investment Superpowers: Craft Your Journey to Lasting Wealth with VIM®

VIM® is The Private Investment Community for Executives and CEOs looking to stop trading time for money and learn how to invest in great companies listed on the stock market over the long-term.

Using The VIM® one hour a week habit, our bite-sized lessons will happily equip beginners with the knowledge and confidence to buy their first stock in under 120 days.

"I was able to use stats to justify whether to buy a stock instead of just pure feelings or just following the flow." - Augustine, Former BNI Ultimate Chapter President
Meaningful  Relationships
with 50+ Mentees/Students
Click Video to Unmute

What is The VIM®/Value Investing Mentorship™?

The first version of VIM® was founded back in 2017.

Today, VIM® is the private investment community to make it easy for Executives and CEOs looking to stop trading time for money and learn how to invest in great companies listed on the stock market over the long-term .

By joining The VIM® Family (instead of learning alone), you could potentially save 10-15 years of your life, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of losses in the stock market.

Within one year, you would feel grateful to have acquired  a money-making skill you can use for life. This skill provides you with a passive income stream , freeing you up to pursue the meaningful things in life.

Using our proprietary 4m1s framework, we only accept 1 to 4 people per cohort, with lessons paced over one year, and a capped community of a total of 150 people to maintain our exclusive nature (as opposed to other courses in Singapore, where they teach in large groups of 30 pax or more over a few days, with no capped total number of students in the community).

"Due to market volatility, my portfolio may collapse by around 20% in 2022, but while working with Chris, it has increased by at least 3 to 5 times, reaching six figures." - Kurt Ng, President of FSMA (Financial Services Managers Association) and Founder of PAG Advisors, leading a team of fast-growing 25 advisors team

Hi, I am Chris Susanto.

When I was younger, I made a decision to stop trading time for money.

Since 2017, I have been fortunate to help others to do the same.

Join our curated community of Executives and CEOs and learn the secrets of value investing, a time-tested strategy used by legends like Warren Buffett.

- Chris Susanto, Founder of VIM®
Board Member at BANSEA & SPGG

As seen on

knowledge changes destiny

Not Just Another Value Investing Course

10+ Years of my Value Investing Journey packed into this ONE ULTIMATE program = VIM®.
VIM Mastery Program
The vim® Mastery transformational Program

The VIM® Experience

Lasting Lifelong Transformation
20 Personalized Coaching Sessions to guide your one year journey, delivered at a comfortable pace. Helping you acquire a money-making skill that you can use for the rest of your life.
Active Stock Market Application
Coaching sessions + active stock market application = progress. VIM® isn't just theory - it's actionable learning for permanent life change.
Monthly Mastermind & Community
Every month, be a part of our exclusive monthly mastermind, where the VIM community discuss the monthly stock case studies, LIVE. (85+ Stock Case Studies & Counting!).
VIM Zoom meeting
join the VIM® private community

Join our Exclusive and Private Community

Be a part of our High Quality #VIMFamily that includes Forbes 30 under 30 honorees, Edge 35 under 35,
TEDx Speaker, Private Jet Pilot and many other amazing professionals and business owners.

Like what Warren Buffett said, if we surround ourselves with people better than us, we cannot help but improve (:

"If you are looking for someone who is not pushy and very nurturing to help you out in your investing journey, you should look for Chris." - Eugene Cheng, Partner at HighSpark | Forbes 30 under 30
VIM Community DinnerVIM Christmas Dinner
The VIM® Mastery Program

Happy Transformation

Jake, Chief Marketing Officer of Motorist Singapore, achieved 100% annual return for his portfolio within half a year

VIM's 4M1S Framework gave Jake the extra time and  freedom to spend more time with his family, especially when he just had a son
“Chris is a knowledgeable, insightful and experienced investor. His 4M1S framework is a good foundation for anyone who wants to learn investing. Through his guidance, I’ve achieved 100% returns for my portfolio within half a year. Thanks Chris”
Jake Ler – Co-Founder of, One of the fastest growing startup in Singapore
picture with jake
photo with haikal

Haikal, an undergraduate, made 90% in annual returns and won second from a stock pitch competition in UK, applying the knowledge he gained from VIM® Mastery Program

To him, VIM's community of entrepreneurs, business owners, and expert professionals gave him a diverse wealth of knowledge he can't find anywhere else
"The fortune to have Chris as a mentor is priceless. Within a year, I could confidently screen for potential investment opportunities, deep-dive and finally valuate."
Haikal Helmy – Business Economics Undergraduate, University of Exeter

Attended by Owners & Executives From

The vim® Mastery transformational Program

Who is VIM® For

VIM® is NOT for you if :

You prefer to listen along in large courses with more than 20-30 people all at once
You want to binge-watch video courses without having to take action
You don't have an income and planning to make this your primary income
You are looking to get rich quick
You are not open to learn  because you only want stock tips (which is dangerous)

VIM® is FOR YOU if :

You prefer learning in intimate groups of 1 to 4 high-quality and nice people
You want to prioritize your growth and success and live your best life
You have an income (i.e. Job) but you want a second income by investing
You want investment skills for lasting wealth
You are willing to set aside one hour a week for your growth and transformation
The vim® Mastery transformational Program

Would you like to Invest in Businesses From The Palm of Your Hand?

VIM Mastery Program
One Year of VIM® Private Mentorship Learning
The VIM® 4M1S Growth Framework
Direct 1:1 Coach Line with Chris
Monthly VIM® Stock Case Studies
Monthly VIM® Mastermind via Zoom
Members-only chatroom and portal
Access to bi-annual Networking event with the VIM® Community
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book the vim discovery call

Grow Your Money without Losing your Sanity.

Let's have a fun 15-minutes Zoom Discovery Call to see if we are of the right fit? Total VIM community seats are limited to 150.

"I highly recommend VIM, even for complete newbie stock investors. Thanks to Chris, my investment in Crocs stock has yielded a 70% return over the past six months." - Ridjal Noor, Director at Saffrons, Home of Gold Class Bryani
The VIM® Mastery Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I need a lot of money to start investing in stocks?
No, that's a common misconception.

You can start investing in stocks with as little as $3000-$5,000 as your starting capital.
How fast can I expect result from VIM®, if I join?
Within 3 months, you should be able to make your own investment decisions in the stock market.

Including how to analyze the quality of the business, management and value the stock.
Is value investing the same as trading?
Value investing are more medium to long-term in nature.

Value investing is a stock investing method popularized by Warren Buffett. We see stocks as owning shares of an actual business. When the business grows, we expect the share price to grow too, provided we bought it at an undervalued price.

Stock trading is not concerned about the value of the business, they are short term in nature and often involve margin/leverage.
Aren't stock investing, gambling?
No, that's a common misconception. Gamblers treat the stock market like a casino.

Investors treat the stock market as a platform to buy shares of great companies they like and understand, so they can grow together with it over the long term.
Who else is VIM® suitable for? (hint: more types of people than you expect)
Investors in other asset classes, such as real estate and gold, should also learn how to invest in stocks because from 1928 to 2023, stock returns (S&P 500) outperformed real estate and gold.

Source: New York University.

If you use financial advisors or bankers to help with your investments, it is always a good idea to learn it yourself so that you will be more holistic in your thinking about their advice and suggestions.

Have you attended other value investing courses before? That's good. Many VIM® mentees/students used to participate in other value-investing group courses but could not apply because they were conducted in large groups. With VIM®, because we only teach in small groups of 4 or 1:1, they finally applied and acquired value investing skill they can use for life.

Invested in an ETF or unit trust? Why not also learn how to pick individual companies within your circle of competence so you may invest in ETF or unit trust and pick certain high-conviction companies for potential outperformance in the stock market?

Burnt in the stock market because you listened to stock tips from friends or families? VIM® can help you learn and acquire the proper checklist and mental systems so you can make your own investment decisions next time instead of unthinkingly listening to people (: Plus, you can use this skill for life.

Stay calm if you are a complete beginner in stocks. Many of our mentees started as one, too, and they have come a long way since then.
What makes VIM® different from other value investing courses in Singapore?
Easy. We are more genuine. It will be more like a mentorship than an investment course because we ONLY teach 1:1 or in small groups of 4 (instead of large groups of 20-30 pax or more) over a year-long learning session.

Also, unlike other courses, we promise it's a one-time investment for the one-year coaching for a skill you can use for life. We will NEVER upsell you to other more "advanced courses" or ask you to pay more money to teach you more "advanced lessons".

Plus, we only teach LIVE (not video recordings), so you will be mentored/taught by Chris himself, the founder, instead of coaches under him.

So, overall, VIM's focus on deep learning and developing meaningful relationships with each of the mentees/students is what makes it different from other value-investing courses in Singapore.
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don't just work, learn to invest.

3 Months from Now, Be an Investor or Stay the Same?

Be happy and grateful that you have taken the first step or stay the same.

Learning more about VIM takes just 15 minutes of your time.
But you stand to lose more than that throughout your lifetime by not learning to invest (:

The choice is yours.

"Chris's mentorship has changed my life financially for the better. So far I have made over 20% in just 1 stock that I invested in. The profit that I got easily covered multiple times the fees I invested in the club. He is a passionate value investor and it is evident in the work that he put in for his members." - Jess Liu, Executive Director, DBS Private Banking